Friday 14 October 2011

12th OCTOBER 2011
English Channel - 20nm south of Start Point, Devon
A good day out on a fishing boat with 4 Common Dolphins briefly bow riding. Notable was a large movement of Bonxies through the channel, we had up to 40 around the boat at anyone time, so I probably saw in excess of 6o during the day. One bird carried an orange ring (on left leg) and a logger and would be a bird breeding on either Foula or Hoy being monitored by the University of Glasgow. Only when the data is download next breeding season with we know which Island as I was unable to read the number on the ring.

Other birds included this very interestingly plumaged Pomarine Skua. A very dark bird, with paler barred belly. Probably 4th cal-year as underwing almost as adult except for a hint of barring on axillaries, or perhaps advanced 3rd cal-year.

And also around the boat two Sooty Shearwater but only 3 European Storm-petrels seen.
Photos ©Mark Darlaston